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Shared Equipment

FlexCell 6000 Strain Unit

This system is designed to expose cells in culture to a mechanical environment (strain). The system also includes an adapter to image live cells in real time on an inverted microscope.  Cells are being grown in culture on 6 well plates (purchased from FlexCell) with flexible membrane surfaces.  A CPU controlled vacuum controls the magnitude and frequency of membrane stretch.

The system can only be used for microscopic imaging of for cell culture exposures.  Cells cannot be imaged while cells are being stimulated in culture.

FlexCell 6000


Heather Drummond 2021

Dr. Heather Drummond
Office: G351-02
(601) 601-984-1812



QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System

The QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System detects changes in gene expressions as low as 1.5-fold. The system supports a broad range of genomic applications, such as analyses of gene expression, microRNAs and noncoding RNAs, copy number variation, drug metabolism enzymes, and protein expression; SNP genotyping; and mutation dection.

The QuantStudio system has a 96-welllock format feature which allows for independent temperature control in each zone allowing multiple temperature optimizations in the same run. This system also allows for use of probe-based assays and intercalating dyes.


Barbara Alexander 2024

Dr. Barbara Alexander

Office: G359
Phone: (601) 984-1831





GentleMACS Octo Dissociator with


The gentleMACS Octo Dissociater with Heaters is a benchtop instrument for 


automated and standardized tissue dissociation or homogenization of up to eight samples.  It is equipped with 

eight individual heating units and optimized and ready-to-use gentleMACS.

Programs the gentleMACS Octo Dissociater with Heaters offers a fully automated workflow for tissue dissociation.  In addition, the intrument allows the user to create user-defined programs for almost any biological material.  All eight positions can be operated independently.



Jussara Docarmo 2018

Dr. Jussara doCarmo

Office: G261
Phone: (601) 984-4353




Thermo Sorvall X1 Pro with Cell Culture Package

The Sorvall X1 Pro is a general use centrifugation package for the routine harvesting and passaging of mammalian cell cultures.  The cell culture package includes inserts that can accommodate 15mL and 50mL centrifuge tubes and biocontainment aerosol lids to allow for processing of cells and tissues that require higher levels of biosafety measures.


PAMStation 12, Model 2

The PAMStation 12, Model 2 is an instrument that measures real-time kinase activity from all types of fresh or frozen biological samples including clinical biopsies.  The PAMStation 12 uses specific PAMChips to measure either Serine/Threonine (STK) or Tyrosine phosphorylation (PTK) activity using unique technology in which a general antibody is able to bind to phosphorylated targets (144 for the STK and 196 for the PTK) spotted on the PamChips. The PAMStation 12 is ideal for signaling and disease model characterization.  It can also be used for biomarker treatment.  The PAMStation 12 uses "chip" technology which is more high-throughput than similar measurements potentially made by mass-spectrometry.  The PAMStation Core will provide expertise in the design of experiments, the preparation of cell/tissue lysates for analysis, and the running of the PAMChips. PAMStation data can be analyzed using the Tercen software provided by PAMGene ( Tercen software allows for the quality control, normalization, kinase analysis, and pathway analysis of PAMStation PTK and STK data.  PAMStation users are responsible for the analysis of their data.